Multi-client Data
The following multi-client data sets are available for purchase as complete data sets or data subsets.
Aeromagnetic Survey, South Bintuni Basin
West Papua (Bird's Head), Indonesia
Magnetic data is available for this basin study which was completed in 2010. Line spacing is 1000m North-South and a total of 25,800km was collected.
Products include
- Located data
- Grids (DEM, TMI, RTP, 1VD, 2VD, Pseudo depthslices)
- Euler solutions
- Magnetic sedimentary basin model
- Logistics and processing report
Airborne Magnetic and Gravity Survey, West Papua, Indonesia
Tanamerah, West Papua, Indonesia
Airborne Magnetic and Gravity data is available for this basin study which was completed in 2013. Line spacing is 4000m North-South, with a southern extension flown at a line spacing of 8000m North-South. A total of 17,779.9 km is available for purchase
Products include
- Located data
- Grids and Images (DEM, Total Magnetic Intensity, Reduced to Pole, TMI1VD, TMI2VD, Pseudo depthslices, Free Air Corrected Anomaly, Free Air Corrected Anomaly 1VD, Relative Complete Bouguer Anomaly, Relative Complete Bouguer Anomaly 1VD)
- Logistics and processing report
High Resolution Magnetic and Radiometric Data
Little Mary River, Northern Territory
A high resolution (50m line spacing) airborne survey was flown in 2010 with a total of 2,694km of data collected.
Products include
- Located data
- Grids (DEM, TMI, RTP, 1VD, 2VD, Potassium, Uranium, Thorium, Dose Rate)
- Logistics and processing report
Please contact Greg Reudavey or Katherine McKenna for more information.